And … I’m Back

I spent most of my teenage decade book-blogging on various iterations of sites, but my desire to read trailed off at around 17 and consequently so did this blog. Edging to the upper end of the teenage bracket, I was trying too hard to read books which were more literary and supposedly a better use…

“I wanted to show how hard it is for Muslims when a terrorist attack happens” || Yasmin Rahman

When the great people at @Teensgate told me I have the opportunity to interview a new author I've seen in and around the interweb, I used the event as a welcome break from being cooped up in my room since the holidays had ended (Michael Gove if you ever happen to be reading this for…

A Song For Ella Grey a Book Review

'Lyrical... poetic... dreamlike," is plastered under a very pretty front cover by The Guardian. I can't find anything to argue with that. It was awfully lyrical, beautifully poetic and perhaps, a tad bit too dreamlike. I want to love this masterpiece by David Almond- I really do- but I can't. It is not that A Song For…

Burning a Book Review

The cover of Burning is in some aspects good; I love the bold colors and vivid center image of a girl lit in flames. However, though this may seem picky, the rounded font and larger than the usual size used for the top caption and the blurb struck me as childish. This led me into…